
Engage job seekers, new hires, and employees in one place at anytime with a customized HRCenter from Astound Virtual. The HRCenter is a virtual platform that incorporates most HR functions in a simple to use, cost effective, and highly-interactive manner.


Your HRCenter will allow you to chat with candidates through your virtual career fair booth. You can choose to host virtual job fairs, open houses, resume workshops, info sessions, and webinars as often as you like. Pull detailed registration and attendee reports to help you track the effectiveness of your virtual recruiting events. Job seekers can attend from anywhere on any device, and from the comfort and convenience of their home.


Whether the new hire is in-house or working remotely, your HRCenter can make them feel welcomed, informed, and engaged. From your WELCOME booth, new hires can find relevant paperwork they need to complete for benefits, payroll, tech requests, ID, and more. The new employee can view or complete any online requirements set by their company to get them ready from Day-1.


The Astound HRCenter lets you share important benefit information whether you are presenting live, or virtually.


One of the biggest reasons people leave their job is because they don’t feel appreciated or recognized. Your HRCenter will allow you to showcase the rockstars in the company in a fun and engaging way.

Let's Talk

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